Energy Conference EuroPOWER is a key meeting of the energy sector in Poland, which brings together people who have a direct impact on the shape and direction of development of the sector. XXth anniversary edition of the Conference will be held on 19-20 November 2014 in Warsaw.
From several years EuroPower gathers full representation of the energy sector in Poland such as CEOs, board members, directors of energy and fuel companies, power plants, CHPs, grid companies and services providers for the industry. The scope of the conference is co-created by the Advisory Board, acting under the chairmanship of Dr. LeszekJuchniewicz and Piotr Rutkowski, Secretary of the Board. It includes representatives of government, the regulator and the key companies of the market.
In a previous edition of the event discussions about the most significant changes occurring in the market – trends in renewable energy, smart grids technology development and investment in the energy sector were taken. During the XIXth edition of the conference participants discussed the most important topics related to the energy policies of the EU and Poland, renewable energy support mechanisms and financing of the sector.Testimonials, from both the participants and the media, confirmed that the meeting is extremely effective platform for dialogue on energy sector development at various levels.
In the next edition we want to continue concept elaborated over the years, the essence of which is to use a holistic approach and present problems of the Polish energy sector in its social and economic environment. XXth anniversary edition of the Conference EuroPower, will be held 19-20 November 2014 at the Westin Hotel in Warsaw.