41st EuroPOWER & 9th OZE POWER
Day I, 3rd April 2025
9:00 – 9:15 Opening ceremony of the conference
9:15 – 9:30 Introduction – speech by the Chairman of the Program Council
- Leszek Juchniewicz, President of PEJ, Chairman of EuroPOWER & RES POWER Program Council
- Maciej Bando, Co-chairman of the EuroPOWER & RES POWER Program Council
9:30 – 10:10 Speeches by Government Representatives
The draft of the National Energy and Climate Plan (NERC) and Energy Policy of Poland 2040 (EPP2040) are the basic documents dedicated to the transition, which will define the scope of new investments, new regulations and support mechanisms. It will be essential to manage rising energy prices, develop dynamic tariffs and modern billing models, and strategise an efficient energy mix combining renewable, conventional and nuclear sources. Innovation in Poland’s energy sector can significantly accelerate the transformation of the sector, particularly through new technologies that support system stability. The power market plays a significant role in ensuring energy security and appropriate regulations can help eliminate the generation gap and promote the development of new energy sources. The protection of critical infrastructure remains a priority, and the costs can be optimised through modern risk management mechanisms. Coal-fired power plants continue to play a role in balancing power, but their future depends on the economics of maintenance and cost-effectiveness in the context of changing regulations. The energy transition must also take into account social and demographic considerations, ensuring acceptance of change and equitable sharing of the costs of the transition.
10:10 – 11:40 A strategic vision for Poland’s energy transition
Inaugural debate
- NERC project as a fair, efficient and secure energy transition plan for the coming decades
- Directions for amending the state energy policy (EPP 2040). What policy and regulatory changes are needed to effectively meet the country’s energy and climate goals?
- The impact of the energy transition on electricity prices. The energy trading segment for the end customer, taking into account dynamic tariffs and complex subscription models. The energy law amendment and regulatory agenda—what will happen in the next few years?
- Energy mix – conventional sources + renewables + nuclear – how to manage it?
- Building Poland’s image as an exporter of energy solutions. The role of government agencies in promoting Polish companies abroad. What are the trends in the context of energy in Europe?
- Innovation in energy – what Polish technologies can accelerate the energy transition?
- How does the power market support the stability and security of the country’s energy system? Regulations that will help fight the manufacturing gap. Mechanisms to support the construction of new capacity
- Concept of operation of coal-fired power plants for power balance and profitability in maintaining grid stability
- Social and demographic determinants of the energy transition
- Renewable energy sources as the foundation and goal of transformation
11:40 – 12:25 Break
Gas will play a unique role in Poland’s energy transition as an interim fuel, but the long-term goal remains to replace it with more environmentally friendly fuels. LNG’s impact on prices and market stability requires a strategy of gradual transition to low-carbon technologies, supported by innovations that reduce gas consumption and strengthen energy independence. At the same time, the power market and gas infrastructure remain the foundation for the stability of the electricity and district heating system, requiring liberalisation and the development of Power-to-Heat technology as a decarbonisation tool. Also strategic are investments in biogas, biomethane and hydrogen, which could become the future of the sector. Their development depends on new regulations supporting sustainable heating systems and effective financing mechanisms to accelerate the transition.
12:25 – 13:25 The leading role of gas in energy transition and district heating
- The strategic role of the gas industry in Poland’s energy transition – how to fit gas into the country’s long-term vision of climate neutrality?
- The impact of LNG on gas prices and market stability. How can we move from gas as a transitional fuel to more sustainable solutions?
- What innovations can help reduce gas consumption and increase energy independence?
- Capacity market and the role of gas – the foundations for energy stability and the development of new generation capacity
- Power-to-Heat – the key to decarbonising the heating industry and benefiting consumers
- Regulatory changes – new regulations to support the transformation of urban heating systems to low-carbon solutions such as heat pumps, cogeneration and biogas
- Infrastructure for the gases of the future – leading investments in the development of biogas plants, biomethane plants and hydrogen technologies
- Financing of hydrogen, biogas and biomethane projects – opportunities for public and private support in Poland and Europe
The transformation of Poland’s energy system requires the dynamic development of RES, energy storage and modern technologies to increase their efficiency. It is significant to ensure the stability of power generation and supply, which requires the implementation of hybrid power plants, virtual power plants (VPPs) and the optimisation of transmission infrastructure. Increasing the share of renewable energy affects energy prices, so support mechanisms such as green certificates and new investment models based on EU funds and public-private partnerships are essential. In addition, regulations such as RED III and the Net-Zero Industry Act set the legal framework for further expansion of RES. Repowering of existing installations and DC coupling allow more efficient use of infrastructure, reducing costs. Accelerating investment processes and integrating RES into the grid will be necessary for meeting climate goals, and a prerequisite for achieving them is ensuring the flexibility of renewable sources’ operation.
13:25 – 14:25 Green energy – the road to a cleaner and sustainable future
- What is the role of RES in the Polish energy mix, and what steps are necessary to achieve the set climate goals?
- How can energy storage systems be developed to ensure the stability of supply from RES?
- Impact of RES on energy prices – how will increasing the share of renewable energy affect costs for households and industry?
- What technologies can increase the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of renewable energy sources?
- EU programs, public-private partnerships and opportunities for individual and institutional investors. How can we accelerate investment processes in RES?
- Green certificates and energy price stability – security for consumers
- RED III Directive and Net-Zero Industry Act – a new legal framework to support green transformation
Poland is developing a Nuclear Power Program that is important for energy security and the transformation of the sector. Atoms are a stable source of energy that supports RES, but their development comes with technological, financial, and social challenges. Integration with IT systems and modern reactor safety solutions will be prioritised to minimise risks. Financing nuclear projects requires cooperation between the public and private sectors, as well as EU funds. SMRs, which can provide flexibility in energy and heat supply, are playing an increasingly important role, but their development requires adaptation of infrastructure and regulation. An important aspect is also the development of local suppliers that can support atomic investment through domestic technological competence. The ultimate success of the transition depends on investments in education and personnel training to ensure the long-term development of the nuclear sector in Poland.
14:25 – 14:35 Presentation
14:35 – 15:30 Polish nuclear power industry – opportunities, threats and the road to implementation
- Polish Nuclear Power Program – where are we?
- The strategic importance of nuclear power for Poland – what are the benefits of nuclear development in the context of energy transition and national energy security?
- Technologies and processes to strengthen reactor safety – integration of nuclear power with modern IT systems
- Financing of Polish nuclear projects—What financial mechanisms can support the construction of large nuclear power plants and the development of Polish SMRs, taking into account the participation of the state budget, the private sector, and EU funds?
- SMRs as a flexible source of energy and heat in Poland. Development of technology, investment and integration of SMRs into existing infrastructure
- How can the participation of local suppliers in nuclear investments be increased? Legal and technical requirements for those involved in construction
Financing for the energy transition relies on green bonds, climate funds and support from public and international institutions. Public-private partnerships (PPPs), which allow large energy projects to be implemented through cooperation between the private and state sectors, can play a decisive role. Some countries effectively protect their local potential with regulatory mechanisms and incentives for domestic companies. EU and national regulations are critical to the availability of capital for green projects, and EU programs and local initiatives are supporting urban transformation. Also important will be the multi-year financial framework for 2028-2035, which will determine long-term sources of funding for investments. ESG is becoming an integral part of business strategies, affecting reporting, access to funds and investor decisions, accelerating real change in the energy sector.
15:30 – 16:20 Investments in the future – financing of energy transition and development of green technologies
- Green bonds and climate funds – what financing opportunities do green financial instruments offer for energy projects?
- The role of public institutions in financing the transition – how do the state and international institutions financially support the energy transition?
- Public-private partnership (PPP) in infrastructure financing – examples and models of cross-sector cooperation in the implementation of large energy projects
- How do other countries protect their local potential? Examples of effective actions
- Regulatory impact on financing green energy projects—How are changes in national and EU regulations shaping the availability of capital for the energy transition?
- ESG as a key element of business strategy: from reporting to real change
16:20 End of the first day of the conference
Day II, 4th April 2025
9:30 – 9:40 Opening of the second day of the conference
Smart grids are becoming a cornerstone of modern infrastructure, and their development requires the implementation of smart metering to manage energy consumption and optimise energy distribution accurately. Digitisation of the network enables better transmission monitoring and integration of RES and electromobility, which requires investment and infrastructure upgrades. One of the main challenges is the effective management of surplus energy – new tariffs and regulatory models are needed to encourage consumers to consume energy during periods of high supply. Flexibility services and dynamic tariffs can increase grid stability and facilitate the integration of more renewables into the system. Energy policy plays a primary role in the development of critical infrastructure, and investment in its modernisation is essential to meet the demands of the transition. At the same time, integration with the district heating system is growing in importance, which will allow more efficient use of resources and decarbonisation of the sector.
9:40 – 10:35 How to modernise Polish power grids?
- Smart power grids as the foundation of modern infrastructure. The role and use of smart metering
- How can tariffs and regulatory models be created to encourage consumers to consume energy during surplus periods?
- The role of digitalisation in optimising energy transmission and distribution
- Technical and investment challenges of network modernisation. Is the Distribution System Operator already a digital DSO?
- Integration of RES and electromobility with transmission infrastructure
- Development of the use of flexibility services for distribution networks, dynamic tariffs
- Integration with the district heating system
10:35 – 10:45 Presentation
Distribution system operators (DSOs) are evolving with new technologies, and AI is playing an essential role in demand and supply balancing, transmission optimisation and RES management. However, the use of AI requires transparency and security, which underscores the importance of explainable AI (xAI). Remote reading meter data enables better forecasting, but its use depends on IT and energy collaboration and the role of the Chief AI Officer (CAIO). The rise of AI also requires strengthening cybersecurity and regulating access to historical data, which is shaped by regulations such as NIS2, the AI Act and ISO/IEC 42001. AI improves network monitoring and diagnostics, enabling failure prediction and efficiency improvements, but its implementation must take into account technological and regulatory risks.
10:45 – 10:55 Presentation
10:55 – 11:05 Presentation
11:05 – 11:15 Presentation
Asseco Poland
11:15 – 12:05 Digitalisation in the energy industry – optimisation, management, role of data, artificial intelligence and cyber security
- How will the distribution system operator change in terms of using new technologies? What is needed in this area?
- Application of AI in the dynamic balancing of energy demand and supply. How is AI changing the way we manage energy? What role should AI play in managing renewable energy sources? Is it safe?
- The importance and use of data in the energy industry, including data from remote reading meters
- To what extent can historical data from the energy sector be made available for training AI models? Impact of data quality and quantity on the effectiveness of prediction and optimisation
- Monitoring and diagnostics of energy systems: How can AI predict failures and improve the performance of energy infrastructure?
- Regulations – the impact of NIS2, AI Act, ISO/IEC 42001 and others on the energy sector
12:05 – 12:45 Break
Planning investments in the energy sector requires leveraging the potential of Polish contractors, who play a prime role in building RES, energy storage and electromobility infrastructure. Cooperation between the public and private sectors through appropriate support models can accelerate the development of domestic production capacity and increase Poland’s independence from imports. Reducing the energy intensity of production processes will affect the competitiveness of Polish companies, both in the domestic and international markets. It will also be essential to develop the domestic supply chain and strengthen local content, which will ensure greater technological sovereignty and stability in the supply of components. The Green Deal Industrial Plan provides an opportunity to build an environment that supports net-zero technologies, which can accelerate the transformation and strengthen Poland’s position as a producer of innovative energy solutions.
12:45 – 13:30 Poland’s technological sovereignty – what is the potential of Polish manufacturing companies?
- Investment planning in the power industry and the potential of Polish contractors in the construction of energy infrastructure
- Cooperation between the public and private sectors – models of support
- Production capacity of Polish companies in the RES and energy storage sector
- What challenges do Polish manufacturers face in the area of electromobility?
- How can reducing the energy intensity of production processes affect the competitiveness of Polish companies in domestic and international markets?
- Domestic supply chain – how can dependence on imports be reduced?
- Why is the development of local energy content crucial to Poland’s technological sovereignty? How to make it easier for Polish companies to participate in the energy transition?
The development of wind power in Poland requires increasing its share in the energy mix through new investments and improved transmission infrastructure. Energy storage systems at wind farms and the modernisation of transmission grids have a crucial impact on the stability of supply and the full utilisation of wind potential. Regulations and policies that support the development of the sector, including amendments to the Distance and Offshore Law, Cable Pooling reform and connection facilities, can significantly accelerate the implementation of new projects. New turbine technologies are increasing the efficiency of energy production, and the development of offshore farms is moving through the stages from permitting to commercial operation. Investment in these areas is essential to the success of Poland’s energy transition.
13:30 – 14:15 Wind energy – pillars of the future of renewable energy
- Infrastructure for wind farms – what grid investments are needed to take full advantage of wind’s potential?
- Regulations and policies to support wind power – how can regulatory changes accelerate the development of the sector? Distance Law and Offshore Law Amendment, reform needed to realise the full potential of Cable Pooling, the introduction of a framework for commercial connections or the introduction of network facilitation in a public law mode
- Energy storage systems at wind farms
- Technological innovations in wind power – new technologies in turbines and their impact on energy production efficiency
- Stages of implementation of Polish offshore projects
14:15 End of the second day of the conference
* Speakers in the process of confirmation
** The organizer reserves the right to make changes to the agenda and to change the location and date of the even
Update: 10-02-2025