Speakers 39. EuroPOWER & 9. OZE POWER
President, Polish Nuclear Power Plants // Chairman of EuroPOWER & RES POWER Program Council
Minister of Climate and Environment
Minister of Industry
President of the Energy Regulatory Authority from 2014 to 2019; Undersecretary of State, Government Plenipotentiary for Strategic Energy Infrastructure at the Ministry of Climate and Environment in 2024.
Undersecretary of State. Ministerstwo Klimatu i Środowiska
President of the Energy Regulatory Authority
Managing Partner, Bain & Company Poland
President of the Management Board, FAMUR S.A.
Prezes Zarządu, Biogas System S.A.
Vice President, Grupa Azoty S.A.
Director of the Network Asset Management Division, Stoen Operator
President of the Board, Balitc Power
Company's commercial proxy, Polskie Elektrownie Jądrowe
Business Development Manager & Digital Transformation Advisory - Hybrid Cloud/AI/ML/Analytics, HPE
Associate Director, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Professor at the University of Life Sciences in Poznań, Head of the UP Ecotechnology Laboratory
VP of Sales, Limitless Technologies
Deputy General Manager, Polska Grupa Biogazowa
President, Państwowa Agencja Atomistyki
Head of T&D Systems Group, Hitachi Europe Ltd.
Sales Director, IBA Group
CEO, Asseco Poland
SMBU/EAM Key Account Manager, IFS
Student at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Automation, Computer Science and Biomedical Engineering
President of the Board, Doppler Energie GmbH (wkrótce Orlen Austria)
President of the Board, GAZ-SYSTEM
President, Bechtel
Prezes Zarządu, Dyrektor Generalny, CEZ Polska
Członek Zarządu, EKOEN
Ośrodek Bezpieczeństwa Energetycznego, Energy Drink Podcast
Digital Business Partner CEE, Hitachi Europe Ltd.
President of the Board, TAURON Dystrybucja Pomiary
President of the Board, Orlen Synthos Green Energy
Dyrektor wykonawczy ds. morskiej energetyki wiatrowej, TotalEnergies Polska
President of the Board, Stowarzyszenie Zielony Gaz dla Klimatu
Vice-President, PIME
Product Manager, Asseco Poland
President, Westinghouse Electric Poland
Regional Industry Lead for Energy – Middle Eastern Europe, SAP
Student at the Warsaw School of Economics
Member of the Management Board, Sygnity
Vice President of Regulatory Affairs, PGE Polska Grupa Energetyczna
Deputy Director, Department of Renewable Energy Sources, Ministersto Klimatu i Środowiska
President of the Board, TAURON Polska Energia
Deputy Director of the Department of Projects and Strategy, Ministerstwo Cyfryzacji
Board Member, Chief Commercial Officer, Polenergia S.A.
Technical and development expert, Alseva EPC Sp. z o.o.
Director of Project Management and International Relations Department, Asseco Poland
President of the Board, PGE Polska Grupa Energetyczna
Director of the Department of Electricity and Heat Markets, Urząd Regulacji Energetyki
CEO, PGNiG Obrót Detaliczny
Dyrektor ds. analiz w The Opportunity Institute for Foreign Affairs, ekspert Instytutu Polityki Energetycznej, Deputy Editor in Chief
President of the Board, PSE S.A.
Vice President of Asset Management and Development, Tauron Polska Energia
Board Member, Miasto jest Nasze
Vice President for Program, Federation of Young Social Democrats
Deputy Director at the Department of Electromobility and Hydrogen Economy, Ministerstwo Klimatu i Środowiska
CEO, Polenergia Sprzedaż Sp. z o.o
Director of Distribution Services Division, ENERGA-OPERATOR SA
Professor, AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow
Business Consultant, Google Cloud Poland
President of the Board, PERN S.A.
Energy & Climate Program Manager, Instrat
Managing Director, Ørsted Offshore Polska
Head of strategy and development, E.ON Polska
Dyrektor Biura Strategii i Projektów Biznesowych, Orlen Neptun
Vice President, finance division, Bank Pekao SA in 2021-2024
President Foundation for Sustainable Energy; CEO at ASE Offshore Sp. z o.o.; Vice President PROJMORS
Executive vice president for finance, TAURON Polska Energia S.A.
Director of Wholesale Market Department, EWE
President of the Board, PEC-Gliwice Sp. z o.o.
Chairman, Izba Gospodarcza Ciepłownictwo Polskie
Director, Department of District Heating Transformation and Energy Efficiency, Ministerstwo Klimatu i Środowiska
Senior energy analyst, Polityka Insight
Director of the Department of Renewable Energy Sources, Ministerstwo Klimatu i Środowiska
Chairman, Stowarzyszenie "Z energią o prawie"
Director of ESG Acquisition and Development Office, Velo Bank S.A.
Product Manager, Asseco Poland
Director of the architecture department, PGE Systemy
Director for OIRE, Office of Energy Measurement, PSE S.A.
Partner, Renewable Energy & Project Finance, CRIDO
Board Member, Chief Operating Officer, Veolia Energia Warszawa
President of the Management Board, General Director, Apator S.A.
Enterprise Industry Lead, Google Cloud Poland
Editor-in-Chief, Wysokienapiecie.pl
President, NFOŚiGW
Member of the Board of Directors, Director of Product Development, Apator SA
Head of Renewable Hydrogen Generation Sources Construction Team, ORLEN S.A.
CEO, Inplus
Update 12-02-2024