Between 7th and 8th April 2022, the 35. EuroPOWER & 5th OZE POWER Energy Conference will be held. The event will be organized in a hybrid formula: in-person in The Westin Warsaw Hotel and ONLINE. The energy industry leaders are meeting to discuss current opportunities and challenges of the energy sector in Poland.
The agenda of the spring edition will be built based on three pillars – Power Engineering, Society, and Economy. He Conference will be inaugurated with a debate devoted to Poland’s energy security in the light of the aspiration to climate neutrality. The main subjects that will be touched upon are the following: the in-depth analysis of the Fit for 55 package, including the opportunities and risks towards climate neutrality, Poland’s energy, and the energy deficit after the year 2025. The transformation of Polish energy will constitute another important subject. Experts will focus on such issues, among others, as: the objectives, mechanisms, tasks, and dilemmas of the fair transformation, the role of politics and regulations in the energy transformation, the reform of the ETS system, liberalization of the gas and electricity market, and energy mix till the year 2050.
Then issues connected with the distributed power engineering in the industry will be also discussed – making the industry more sustainable (greener), the development determinants of the distributed power engineering in the industry, industry policy and energy policy, and the market of new energy services. The subjects of the digital development of power engineering will also be present. The speakers will discuss the most important issues concerning digitalization, cybersecurity in power engineering, and IT technologies in the energy sector.
The subsequent discussion panels will be based on the subject of various models of financing technology. The experts will talk about the financing of the renewable sources of energy, the energy mix, as well as about the future of the auction system, market risks, and the PPA market. They will also touch upon the issue of investments in distribution networks and energy storage. The development of the renewable sources of the energy sector in Poland will be discussed, e.g. the state of regulations, development barriers of the renewable sources of energy, renewable sources of energy share in heat engineering, and the subject of community energy. The Congress will end with a debate devoted to the subject of distributed power engineering as an opportunity for Poland. There will be discussed such topics, as legal, organizational, and technical infrastructure adjustment to the development of the distributed power engineering, virtual power plants as a way of efficient management of dispersed sources of energy, and energy efficiency improvement of households thanks to community energy.
The congress is carried out as part of the activities of MMC Polska, which organizes prestigious congresses, conferences, workshops and business training dedicated to managerial staff and company boards. More at
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