Grand Gala
Leaders of the Energy and Manufacturing World
Among the winners of the Leaders of the Energy World competition were:
Person of the Year – Maciej Bando, President of the Energy Regulatory Office
For skillful reconciliation of the interests of individual recipients with the interests of producers and energy and fuel providers, as well as for business culture and the ability to listen to the arguments of both sides of the energy market.
The award was presented by Leszek Juchniewicz, Chairman of the EuroPOWER Energy Conference Advisory Board.
Producer of the Year – PGE Polish Energy Group
For successful negotiations with the purchase of assets of the French EDF in Poland. Thanks to the independent acquisition of 8 CHP plants in the largest agglomerations, such as the Tricity area, Wrocław and Kraków, located in five voivodships, the Rybnik power plant in Silesia and nearly 400 km of heating network in four cities, the PGE Group became a leader in district heating in Poland. The transaction strengthened PGE’s position as the leader of the electricity market.
The award was received by Henryk Baranowski, President of the Management Board, PGE
Innovation of the Year – VEOLIA ENERGY WARSAW
For the Intelligent Heating Network (pol. Inteligentna Siec Ciepłownicza project. Veolia Energy Warsaw took on the difficult task of modernizing existing infrastructure and increasing the effectivity in the management of the largest municipal heating network in Europe. The Intelligent Heating Network is a pioneering project, which was realized in answer to the needs of the city and its residents. It’s main aim was to optimize the delivery and suit the amount of ordered heat to the needs of the recipients. As part of its activities, the Warsaw heating network was equipped with modern measuring devices, means of data transmission and applications providing real-time information transmission, which increased the effectiveness of system control in both normal operation conditions and in emergency situations. The implementation of the ISC project brought significant, measurable benefits for economic, ecologic and social recipients – the estimated reduction in carbon dioxide emissions is 14.5 thousand tons per year.
The award was received by Jacky Lacombe, President of the Management Board, Veolia Energy Warsaw
Trader of the Year – TAURON Dystrybucja
For undertaking innovative projects and implementing modern technological solutions that contribute to the development of the energy industry. For consistently improving the power supply quality of millions of customers, through continuous improvement of SAIDI and SAIFI continuity indicators. For continuous work on shortening the time of connecting customers to the power grid, while optimizing the assets used for this.
The award was received by Robert Zasina, President of the Management Board, TAURON Distribution
Solution Provider of the Sector – Asseco Poland
For Asseco Utility Management Solutions. It is a family of modern IT solutions that provide comprehensive services for energy companies on the liberated energy market. The system supports the implementation of energy companies, which in order to compete effectively in the changing market, must ensure the company’s ability to create new commercial products, individualize the approach to key customers and flexibly respond to market volatility and competitive behaviour. For the last few years, Asseco has successfully expanded the Comprehensive Customer Service System for Enea Group, and also created a central billing system at Tauron SA, which is the largest solution of this type in Europe.
The award was received by Paweł Piwowar, Vice-President of the Management Board, Asseco Poland.
Corporate Social Responsibility – ENEA Foundation
The Enea Foundation donated almost 1 million złoty to the most affected municipalities from the following provinces: Pomeranian, Kuyavian-Pomeranian and Greater Poland Voivodeships, to help the communities affected by the storms in August 2017. The funds were transferred for the purposes indicated by the local governments, including repairs and reconstruction of infrastructure and public buildings, support for local communities and additional equipment for Volunteer Fire Brigades. Thanks to this, these units could purchase specialized equipment necessary to remove the effects of the natural disasters.
The award was received by Mirosław Kowalik, President of the Management Board, ENEA
Partners of the Grand Gala – Leaders of the Energy and Manufacturing World:
Atende, W.P.I.P., Dell EMC, Asseco, Tauron, EY, Sartorial Atelier, CallPage, Exuma Gym.
We encourage you to view the full photo gallery of the Grand Gala.