Speakers of the 37th EuroPOWER & 7th OZE POWER

President of the Energy Regulatory Authority

Secretary of State, Government Plenipotentiary for Renewable Energy Sources, Ministerstwo Klimatu i Środowiska

Senator of the Republic of Poland, Chairman of the Senate Group for Nuclear Energy and Renewable Energy

Dyrektor biura zrównoważonego rozwoju i transformacji energetycznej, PKN ORLEN S.A.

Director of the energy and gas sector, Asseco Poland

Director of Corporate Management Department, Energa S.A.

President of the Management Board, FAMUR S.A.

Vice President of the Board, ENERGA-OPERATOR S.A.

President of the Management Board, GAZ-SYSTEM S.A.

Associate Director, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development

Vice President of the Board, TAURON Obsługa Klienta sp. z o.o.

Editor, Energetyka24.com

Director, Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny - Państwowy Instytut Badawczy

Managing Director of the Industry Risk and ESG Division, Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego

Partner (Energy & Renewables), PwC

VP of Sales, Limitless Technologies

President of the Management Board, Iron Mountain Polska sp. z o.o.

Country Manager, Google Cloud

Poland Country Manager, EDP Renewables

Vice-president of the Management Board, PGE Systemy

Vice-President of the Management Board, PGE Dystrybucja

Director of Strategic Customer Department, Bank Pekao S.A.


President, Państwowa Agencja Atomistyki

OT Systems Engineer, Fortinet

SMBU/EAM Key Account Manager, IFS

Vice President, Orlen Synthos Green Energy

Member of the Supervisory Board, Asseco International

Ośrodek Bezpieczeństwa Energetycznego, Energy Drink Podcast

Director of the Department of Low Carbon Economy, Ministerstwo Rozwoju i Technologii

Senator, Senacki Zespoł ds. Energetyki Jądrowej i OZE

Energy and Climate Program Manager, WiseEuropa

President of the Board, Stowarzyszenie Zielony Gaz dla Klimatu

CEO | Publisher, zielonagospodarka.pl // gospodarkamorska.pl

President, Westinghouse Electric Poland

Regional Industry Lead for Energy – Middle Eastern Europe, SAP

Doctor, Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Katowicach, Narodowy Fundusz Ochrony Środowiska i Gospodarki Wodnej

Board Member, Orlen Południe

Board member, risk management area, BGK

Board Member, General Manager, Apator S.A.

Board Member, Alseva EPC Sp. z o.o.

President of the Board, Forum Energii

Director, PwC

Regional sales director, Fortinet

President of the Board, Energa Wytwarzanie S.A.

Senior Advisor, Regulatory Assistance Project

Board Member for Trade, E.ON Polska

CEO, Alseva Pro

President of the Management Board of the Polish Electricity Transmission and Distribution Association, Vice-President of the Management Board for Operator at Tauron Dystrybucja

Director of the Office of International Affairs, Agencja Rozwoju Przemysłu S.A.

President of the Management Board, The Lower Silesian Institute for Energy Studies

Secretary General, Stowarzyszenie Elektryków Polskich

Vice President, Polski Fundusz Rozwoju S.A.

President of the Board, Wind Audit

CEO, Atende

Department of Electricity and Gas, Ministry of Climate and Environment

Independent Expert

CEO, Atende Industries

President of the Board, TAURON Dystrybucja S.A.

Chief Transformation Officer, KGHM

Legal Advisor, Brysiewicz, Bokina i Wspólnicy sp.k.

Director of the Department of Nuclear Energy, Ministerstwo Klimatu i Środowiska

Vice President of Operations, ENEA Operator Sp. z o.o.

Director of RES Department, Ministerstwo Klimatu i Środowiska

Director of Distribution Services Division, ENERGA-OPERATOR SA

Professor, AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow

Head of Strategic Client Department, BGK

Director of Regulatory Affairs and ESG, Szczecińska Energetyka Cieplna

Chief Regulatory Specialist, Dalkia Polska

Director of the Renewable Sources Department, Energy Regulatory Office

Vice President of Corporate Affairs, Tauron

Director for OIRE, Office of Energy Measurement, PSE S.A.

Executive Vice President, Asseco Poland

Chief Digital Officer, ABB

Enterprise Industry Lead, Google Cloud Poland

Editor-in-Chief, Wysokienapiecie.pl

President of the Board, Unia Producentów i Pracodawców Przemysłu Biogazowego i Biometanowego

CEO, Inplus
Update 7-04-2023