Safe congress – 40. Konferencja Energetyczna EuroPOWER & OZE POWER

Safe congress

A hybrid congress, connecting traditional meetings with online activities.

MMC POLAND has always meant the highest quality of events for each sector. The hybrid formula of the congress allows for the combination of a traditional meeting with online activity on a dedicated platform. Thanks to this, we can continue the idea of the congress, maintaining safety in accordance with the applicable standards. #safecongress

The hybrid form is:

A traditional meeting

A limited number of people will be invited to the hotel to ensure the safety of the participants. Apart from the substantive part, the participants will have an exhibition area and networking opportunities at their disposal.


Uczestnicy będą mieli możliwość skorzystać ze specjalnie przygotowanej wirtualnej platformy, na której będą mieli dostęp do:

  • streamingu z głównej sceny Kongresu
  • strefy Partnerów
  • zadawania pytań i komentowania tego, co dziać będzie się na scenie
  • nawiązywania relacji na prywatnych czatach/videoczatach i pokojach tematycznych podobnie jak będzie to miało miejsce w hotelu.
  • networkingu polegającym na losowym łączeniu uczestników na 3 minutowe rozmowy


Out of concern for the safety of participants in our events, we have prepared a special safety policy aimed at ensuring safe participation and protecting the health of our speakers, experts and guests. From the beginning of the pandemic, we responsibly introduce a number of changes and update our procedures – from hygiene measures to guidelines for maintaining appropriate distances, as well as new logistics solutions developed together with the hotel.

Due to the prevailing COVID-19 pandemic and the related restrictions, the Event may be attended by participants who (to the best of their knowledge):

  • are not infected with COVID-19;
  • do not have COVID-19 symptoms such as shortness of breath, high body temperature, cold symptoms;
  • they are not in quarantine or under epidemiological supervision;
  • in the last 10 days before the event, they had no direct contact with a person infected with COVID-19.

The condition for participation in the Congress is meeting one of the three conditions:

  • vaccination against COVID-19 with a vaccine authorized in the European Union, i.e. receiving the required number of vaccine doses for a given preparation at least 14 days before the event and presenting the EU digital COVID certificate (EU Covid Certificate) in electronic or paper form at the entrance to the event;
  • having the status of a convalescent after being recovered from COVID-19 in the last 6 months (maximum) and presenting an appropriate confirmation of this status at the entrance, eg EU Covid Certificate;
  • having a negative COVID-19 test result performed max. 48 hours before the start of the event; (antigen test or PCR)

All congress participants are required to wear masks or helmets both in the foyer and in the conference room.


  • Reception service will use disposable mask
  • We will regularly disinfect the reception desk and stand
  • Hand disinfectant for participants will be available at the reception desk
  • For safety reasons, we will not be distributing congress materials


  • The hotel is providing modern equipment for spraying disinfectants in general spaces;
  • In hotel bathrooms and public spaces, soaps and liquids for hand disinfection are available, as well as instructions on how to properly wash and disinfect your hands
  • door handles, handrails and elevator buttons are disinfected
  • All elevators in the hotel are disinfected daily
  • Hotel spaces are cleaned by staff equipped with disposable gloves and protective masks that are replaced regularly
  • We limit the number of people staying in common areas at the same time

The condition for participation in the Congress is the fulfillment of one of the following:


  • Coffee and lunch will be served in accordance with all hygienic standards currently required in hotels

Useful information
We recommend that you follow the information on the website in order to avoid false information.
If you have disturbing symptoms (such as high fever, cough and shortness of breath), contact the NFZ hotline 800 190 590, or use the search engine for an infectious hospital or GIS facility

Follow our event

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